- About Department
- Faculty
- Research Advisory Committee
Industrial Advisory Committee
- Research-Project & Publication
- Achievements
- Syllabus & Workload
- Skill Courses
- Diploma Course
- Academic Calender & Time Table
- Ph.D Candidates
Workshops & Conferences
- Student Centered Activities
- Extension Activities & Best Practices
- Study Material & Question Bank
- MoU/ Linkages/ Collaborations
- Photo Gallery
About Department

The department of Microbiology was established in the year 1977. Biochemistry subject was introduced in year 1987 as an interdisciplinary subject. This is the biggest and highly reputed department which runs UG, PG and Ph.D. courses. Department has well equipped and highly sophisticated laboratories with instruments. The department has highly qualified faculty. Some of them are recognized as Ph.D. Guides. The department has strong research wing with several completed and ongoing research projects. It has published many research papers in national and international research journals. The department has patents to its credit. The department has produced good civilians and is proud of its alumni which hold good positions in industries,academia and research institutes at national and international levels. The department serves to be a link between academia and society to solve the social, environmental and industrial problems.
Research Advisory Committee
Sr. No. | Name of Member | Institute/University Name | Email/Contact | Designation |
1 | Dr. Mrs. G. V. Utekar | Head, Department of Microbiology Y.C.I.S. Satara |
Mob: 9422030318 Email: ugeeta65@gmail.com |
Chairman |
2 | Prof. Dr. Mrs. R. P. Ghorpade | Professor & Vice-Principal, K.B.P. College Vashi |
Mob: 9869028096 Email: rpghorpade@kbpcollegevashi.edu.in |
Member |
3 | Prof. Dr. Mrs. S. S. Ahivale | Head, Department of Microbiology, M.P.M. Pimpri Pune |
Mob: 9860356226 Email: sangeeta.ahiwale2@gmail.com |
Member |
4 | Dr. Mrs. P.S. Patil | Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, S.G.M. College Karad |
Mob: 8956190336 Email: patilpratibha.3579@gmail.com |
Member |
5 | Mr. B. S. Pawar | Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, Y.C.I.S. Satara |
Mob: 8552877117 Email: pawarbs1801@gmail.com |
Secretary |
Industrial Advisory Committee
Sr. No. | Name of Member | Institute/University Name | Email/Contact | Designation |
1 | Dr.Mrs.Utekar G.V | Head, Department of Microbiology, YCIS, Satara |
Mob: 9422030318 Email: ugeeta65@gmail.com |
Chairman |
2 | Mr. Lokesh Uttekar | Proprietor, Padmashree Biotech Pvt. Ltd |
9421884003 Email: uttekarlokesh@gmail.com |
Member |
3 | Miss. Bhagyshri Kakade | CEO Aturgram e-commerce India Pvt Ltd Manger Ayurkisan Herbal Industry | 9970008528 | Member |
4 | Mr. Sushant Kumbhar | Ecogreen Biosciences Pvt. Ltd. Satara | 9860843685 | Member |
5 | Mr. B. S. Pawar | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Microbiology YCIS, Satara |
8552877117 Email: pawarbs1801@gmail.com |
Coordinator |
Research-Project & Publication
Name of the Author(s) | Department of the Author(s) | Title of the Paper | Name of the Journal | Month and Year of publication | ISSN | Link to the notification in UGC enlistment of the Journal | Remark |
Asmita Shinde, Aishwarya Pawar, Amol Jadhav, Bandu Pawar and Nivedita Joshi | Department of Microbiology | A REVIEW ON CANCER THERAPIES AND VACCINE | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Kanade Shrushti, Sawant Mukta, Jadhav Amol And Pawar Bandu | Microbiology | A REVIEW ON MULTIPLE DRUG RESISTANCE OF STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS AND FUTURE ASSESSMENT | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Bhandari Nikita, Awati Aishwarya, Jadhav Amol, SurwaseAvinash, Mahadik Pritamand And Pawar Bandu | Microbiology | A REVIEW ON TOMATO FLU IN INDIA | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Anoli Sapkal, PrajaktaSapkal, Vikas Kshirsagar, ArbajShaikh, Akshay Gulave,Yogesh Mule, Mansi Raut And Bandu Pawar | Microbiology | A REVIEW ON ENDOPHYTES AS A BIOFERTILIZER | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
A REVIEW ON EMERGING VIRUSES FROM GLACIER ICE MELT | Microbiology | A REVIEW ON EMERGING VIRUSES FROM GLACIER ICE MELT | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
S.S.Pujari, Prathamesh Pharande A.V Mahadik, A.S Jadhav, A. D. Kadam, And B.S Pawar | Microbiology | A REVIEW ON MYCOPROTEIN AS AN ALTERNATIVE SOURCE OF MEAT PROTEIN | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Neha Lanke, Rugvedi Pendurkar, Amol Jadhav and Bandu Pawar | Microbiology | A PICTORIAL REVIEW OF MUCOR MYCOSIS: A THREAT IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Gayatri Mane, SayaliPatil, Amol Jadhav, Bhagwat Lad And Bandu Pawar | Microbiology | A REVIEW ON TRANS-FAT:SOURCES, DISORDERS, AND ALTERNATIVES | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Prajakta Patil, Pratiksha Padalkar, Bandu Pawar, Avinash Surwase And Amol Jadhav | Microbiology | A REVIEW ON PSORIASIS: TYPES, DEVELOPMENT, MECHANISM AND PRECAUTIONS | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Amol Jadhav, Nazneen Inamdar, Asmita Dike And Bandu Pawar | Microbiology | SCREENING AND OPTIMIZATION OF BIOSURFACTANT PRODUCING PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA(ATCC 39324) | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
B. S. Pawar, P. N. Jagadale, S. K. Shinde And Dr. R. D. Joshi | Microbiology | ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF BACTERIA FROM INDUSTRIAL WASTE | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Avinash Ashok Survase And Shivangi Shivraj Kanase | Microbiology | ASPERGILLUS EUCALYPTICOLA SLF1 MEDIATED TIO2 NANOSPHERE FOR METHYLENE BLUE DYE DEGRADATION | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | 2022 | - | click here | - |
Siddhi Shinde and Dr. Mrs. S.S. Kanase | Microbiology | CASSAVA STARCH AS AN PARTIAL SUBSTITUTE TO AGAR - AGAR IN MICROBIOLOGICAL MEDIA | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | -- | - | click here | - |
A. D. Kadam, A. R. Sarkale, S.P. Bangar, B. S. Pawar, A. S. Jadhav, V. M. Ghorpade, A. A. Survase, P. B. Zambare, S. S. Kadam, B. M. Babar, S. B. Shaikh, and G. D. Kokate | Microbiology | ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF LANTANA CAMARA ON HOSPITAL-ACQUIRED INFECTIOUS PATHOGENS | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Pradnya Bajirao Zambare And Shivangi Shivraj Kanase | Microbiology | BIODEGRADATION OF TEXTILE DYE ACID BLUE 113 USING IRON NANOPARTICLES SYNTHESIZED BY PSEUDOMONAS STUTZERI | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
A. A. Mohite, A. A. Survase, P.K. Pagare, H. D. Shelke, A. D. Kadam, A. S. Jadhav, B.S. Pawar And A. P. Torane | Microbiology | INFLUENCE OF PARTICLE SIZE ON ANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTIFUNGAL STRAINS OF TITANIUM DIOXIDE (TIO2) NANOPARTICLES SYNTHESIZED BY SILAR METHOD | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Geeta Utekar, Sonal Inje And Shivanjali Shinde | Microbiology | ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MELANIN PRODUCING BACTERIA FROM COMPOST SOIL | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Vidya Patil, Sandip Labade, Ranjana Jadhav, And Shakuntala Sawant | Microbiology | SPECTROSCOPIC STUDY OF CONFORMATIONAL CHANGE IN BOVINE SERUM ALBUMIN WITH INCREASING HIGH CONCENTRATION OF CHLORPROMAZINE | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Sanika Patil, Shraddha Yadav, Amol Jadhav And Bandu Pawar | Microbiology | ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF HIBISCUS ROSA SINENSIS AGAINST HUMAN PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS BY VARYING DIFFERENT PARAMETERS | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Shraddha Shelar,Shraddha Yadav,Sanika Patil, Abhishek Sable And Manisha Shinde | Microbiology | UTILIZATION OF DRY BABY SHRIMP POWDER AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO PEPTONE IN CULTURE MEDIA. | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Mr. B. S. Pawar, O.S. Ubale, V. A.Kshirsagar, Dr. R. D. Joshi | Microbiology | ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF FUNGI FROM PAPER AND PULP INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Poornima V. Patil, Priyanka V. Mali And Pradnya B. Zambare | Microbiology | ISOLATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND OPTIMIZATION STUDY OF CELLULOSE DEGRADING MICROORGANISMS AND THEIR APPLICATION IN ETHANOL PRODUCTION AND WASTE WATER TREATMENT | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Shraddha Shelar, Ritu Shelar And Priyanka V. Mali | Microbiology | COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF HERBAL, NON- HERBAL TOOTHPASTES AND WOODEN COAL | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Akshada Shelar, ManasiGurav, Nivedita Joshi, Bandu Pawar And Amol Jadhav | Microbiology | ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF CHLORPYRIFOS DEGRADING BACTERIA AND ITS GROWTH RESPONSE | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Siddhi Shinde, Sachita Kuchekar And Amol Jadhav | Microbiology | ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF NITROGEN FIXING BACTERIA FROM THOSEGHAR SOIL SAMPLES | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Siddhi Shinde, Sachita Kuchekar, Amol Jadhav And Vilasrao Ghorpade | Microbiology | ISOLATION, IDENTIFICATION, AND CHARACTERIZATION OF OIL DEGRADING BACTERIA FROM SATARA S.T STAND WORKSHOP | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Pratibha Patil And Vidya Patil | Microbiology | SCREENING AND ISOLATION OF BACTERIAL SPECIES FROM OIL SLUDGE CONTAMINATED SOIL TO STUDY ITS OIL SLUDGE DEGRADATION ACTIVITY | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Mrunal Chavan, Amol Jadhav, Avdhoot Kadam, Pramod Chavan, Vilasrao Ghorpade, Gitanjali Utekar, Tushar Karpude And Bandu Pawar | Microbiology | MICROBIAL EVALUATION OF COSMETIC PRODUCTS | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Seemadevi Suresh Kadam, Avinash Ashok Survase and Shivangi Shivraj Kanase | Microbiology | EXTRACTION OF BACTERIAL PIGMENTS AND ITS APPLICATION IN COSMETICS | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Avinash Ashok Survase and Shivangi Shivraj Kanase | Microbiology | Green synthesis of TiO 2 nanospheres from isolated Aspergillus eucalypticola SLF1 and its multifunctionality in nanobioremediation of C. I. Reactive Blue 194 with antimicrobial and antioxidant activity | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Pradnya Zambare, Avinash Ashok Survase and Shivangi Shivraj Kanase | Microbiology | Green Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles Using Leaf Extract of Ocimum sanctum and its Antimicrobial Activity. | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Seemadevi Suresh Kadam and Shivangi Shivraj Kanase | Microbiology | Bioprospecting of Endophytic Plethora from Ocimum sanctum for Antifungal Activity. | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Seemadevi Suresh Kadam and Shivangi Shivraj Kanase | Microbiology | SCREENING,PRODUCTION, AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ANTIFUNGAL SECONDARY METABOLITES FROM METABOLITES FROM VELEZENSIS ALO NAL4 OF ALOE VERA, | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Seemadevi Suresh Kadam and Shivangi Shivraj Kanase | Microbiology | Exploration of Endophytes from Azadirachta indica for Antifungal Potential | "Bulletin of Environment,Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Spl Issue (1)(January-2023)" | - | - | click here | - |
Sr. No. | Name of Faculty | Title of award/recognition |
1 | Ms. Manisha S. Shinde | कृतिशील महिला शिक्षक पुरस्कार २०२३-२४ |
2 | Dr. Mrs. G.V. Utekar | Best Writer Award-2024 |
Skill Course
Academic Calender & Time Table
Sr. No. |
Year | Title of the Course |
View Details |
1 |
2024-25 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table | |||
2 |
2023-24 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table | |||
3 |
2022-23 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table | |||
4 |
2021-22 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table | |||
5 |
2020-21 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table | |||
6 |
2019-20 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table | |||
7 |
2018-19 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table | |||
8 |
2017-18 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table |
PH.D Candidates
Sr. No. | Name of Ph. D. Student | Name of Guide | Status |
1 | Dr. Patil Vishwas Shankar | Dr. H.V. Deshmukh | Awarded |
Dr. Bartakke Ganesh Rajendra | Awarded | ||
Dr.Mrs. Utekar Geetanjali Vikas | Awarded | ||
Ms. Pachhade Dhanashri P. | In Progress | ||
Ms. Nakate Shital Satish | In Progress | ||
Mrs. Dhanashree V. Deshmukh | In Progress | ||
2 | Dr. Ms. Nadaf Nilofar Yakub | Dr.Mrs. S.S. Kanase | Awarded |
Dr. Kadam Seemadevi Suresh | Awarded | ||
Ms. Garud Aparna Ashok | In Progress | ||
Ms. Pawar Sovhita Rajendra | In Progress | ||
Mrs. Zambare Pradnya Bajirao | In Progress | ||
Dr. Survase Avinash Ashok | Awarded |
Workshops & Conferences
Sr. No. | Year | Topic of the Lecture | Date | View Details |
1 | 2020-21 | National Webinar Intellectual Property Rights Webinar on Entrepreneurship Development in Life Science One day Workshop on Microbiology Quality Control National Webinar on COVID-19 Vaccine |
15/03/2021 07/06/2021 25/03/2021 18/12/2020 |
View |
2 | 2019-20 | Hands on Training Workshop Endotoxin Testing One day Workshop on Research Project in Applied Workshop on New Syllabus Women Cancer Awareness Workshop |
16/10/2019 28/08/2019 11/06/2019 to 17/06/2019 22/02/2020 30/08/2019 |
3 | 2018-19 | Hand on Training Workshop on Endotoxin Testing National Conference on Recent Trend in Solid |
07th March, 2019 30-31th Jan, 2019 |
4 | 2017-18 | Recent Approaches in Taxonomy Workshop on Abroad Research Opportunities for Students |
09/10/2017 08/03/2017 |
Student Centered Activities
Year | Type/Name of Activity | Date/ Duration | View Detatails |
2017-18 | 1. Enterpreneurship awarness camp 2.Record of student conferences, Workshops, Hand on training etc 3. Guest Lecture for Students 4. Problem solving methods 5. Student Seminar 6. Open book test |
11/01/2018 to 13/01/2018 27/12/2017,09/02/2018,05/03/2018to06/03/2018 20/01/2018 April-May 2017 13/02/2018 - 05/03/2018 |
View |
2018-19 | 1.Hands on training 2.BSc PBL Royal Inspire projects 3.MSc II Students Seminar 4.BSc III Seminar 5.Teachers Day Guest Lecture (Lead college activity) |
07/03/2019 - - 25/09/2018 08/02/2019 |
2019-20 | 1. Teachers day Celebration 2. Hands on training workshop Endotoxin Testing 3. Students Seminar BSc III 4. One day training programme on Innovative Idea in Microbiology Research 5. Guest Lecture for MSc II The Significance and applications of Bioinformatics in career opportunities 6. BSc II Industrial Visit 7.Y.C trade fair & Exhibition 8.Guest Lecture Dr Mrs Sayali Pathak |
05/09/2019 16/01/2020 2019-20 30/08/2019 31/08/2019 20/02/2020 05/10/2019-11/10/2019 22/02/2020 |
2020-21 | 1. Guest Lecture (Extention activity) Use of Biofertilizer for Sustainable agriculture 2.General Hygenic condition awarness camp for prevention of Infectious disease for 10th std school children 3. Guest Lecture for UG & PG students 4. Online Guest lecture for Students "Microbial Inoculum" 5. World TB day celebration 6.Project based learning BSc II 7. Model Based learning 8. Seminar BSc III SEM V 9. Guest lecture on " Microbial quality control and Assurance in pharmaceutical Industry 10. Online Guest lecture BSc III 11. Online Guest lecture MSc |
29/10/2020 23/03/2021 15/05/2021 29/04/2021 24/03/2021 20/01/2020 2020-21 20/02/2021 04/07/2021 08/12/2020 09/09/2021 |
2021-22 | 1. BSc III Seminar 2. Guest Lecture UG & PG career opportunities in Microbiology 3.Lead College activity Guest Lecture Interactive session on "Effect of COVID 19 pandamic on physical & psychological health of girl 4. Seminar For MSc II 5.TB Awarerness camp 6. Quiz competition |
13/12/2021 to 18/12/2021 05/03/2022 11/03/2022 - 24/03/2022 April-May |
Extension Activities & Best Practices
The Department of Animation Science organizes various Extension Activities. These activities are student-centred activities for overall development of the students, such as organization of Field Visit and Study Tours.
- To develops the overall personality of the students
- To develops language competency among students
- To understand nature, culture, history and life style of the people
Sr. No. |
Year | Type/Name of Activity |
View Details |
1 |
2017-18 | Dolphin Activity (Best Practice) | View |
2 |
2018-19 | Dolphin Activity (Best Practice) | |
3 |
2019-20 | Dolphin (Best Practice) | |
4 |
2020-21 | Microbiofest (Best Practice) | |
Extension Activity | |||
5 |
2021-22 | Microbiofest (Best Practice) | |
Global Hand Washing Day | |||
State Level power point presentation competition | |||
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotstav | |||
Extension activity | |||
6 |
2022-23 | Extension Activity | |
Microbiofest (Best Practice) |